Writing the Light

JANUARY in ATHENS | Drawing & Painting in the Byzantine System


JAN. 11 – 20, 2025


Writing the Light is presenting a 10-day residency to immerse in icon-making in Athens, Greece with master iconographer Dr. George Kordis onsite at his Eikonourgia School and with special events at the Mets Art Center. Daily instruction will be combined in teaching both the technique and methods of icon drawing and painting in the Byzantine System.  Immersion in a daily studio practice will be optimized by being within the framework of a city rich with great historical examples of Byzantine history and living inspiration.  Valuable trips to local Greek churches, monasteries, and museums to see ancient and modern icons (many which Kordis himself has painted) will be a part of this unique and balanced creative curriculum held in the artistic and ancient city of Athens.  

Hosted at the Mets Art Center and Dr. Kordis’s Eikonourgia School of  Iconography (his large icon-painting atelier and teaching space), the program will begin with a two-day focus honing the basics of icon drawing before diving into a week long intensive with egg tempera painting using the Byzantine limited tetrachrome palette of mineral pigments.  

Several specialized sessions in icon board preparation, and demonstrations in gilding will be shared during the workshop by experienced visiting artists.

Each day will be comprised of an average of 6 hours of studio time along with select days paired with relaxed visits to visit museums, churches and monasteries. The schedule is also structured with  ample time to explore Athens independently.

All museum and church trips as well as optional evening or welcome and closing events are open to students and any traveling  spouses or friends accompanying them.  

ALL MATERIALS ARE INCLUDED in the tuition, with students needing to bring a selection of paintbrushes for use during the program. 

The Residency is good for beginners or advanced, as instruction is individualized.

PLEASE NOTE A SPECIAL AN INTRODUCTORY CLASS in GILDING (working with gold for icons) paired along with drawing and painting an icon of the face of Christ with George Kordis will be offered JAN. 21 – 25th.  

Please see the separate description in the Residency listings for more information and to register.

All instruction is held in English language.

NOTE: All food, lodging, and any additional basic fees for museums and transportation to and from museums and churches will be paid for independently by students.

Tuition fee: 1500 Euros (approximately $1600 US dollars).

All items marked  below with an * will be open to spouses and significant others accompanying students.  



Friday 1.10

(travel/arrival day) 


Saturday 1.11


09.00 Meet at Eikonourgia ~Welcome Talk & Coffee

09:30 beginning DRAWING demos

12.00 On-site Lunch  (provided)

13.00–16.00 Studio time — DRAWING FOCUS 

16.00+ Free time 

Independent Dinner (*small independent groups, optional) 


Sunday. 1.12

Free Morning


Tour George Kordis’s personal icon collection ~ then walk together to Eikonourgia 

14.30 – 17.30 Drawing instruction (3 hours)

Independent Dinner  (*or small groups, optional)


Monday. 1.13

9.00 Meet at Eikonourgia, studio time — DRAWING FOCUS 

9.00 — 12.00 Lessons & Drawing

12.00 Lunch (provided)

13.00  — 16.00 Studio time

16.00+ Free time

Independent Dinner  (*or small groups, optional)


Tuesday. 1.14


(bus departs from First Cemetery of Athens parking lot — supplemental separate bus fee TBA available by this Fall)

07.00 Travel by private chartered bus to Mystras (about 2.5 hours from Athens)

Exact agenda for the day is currently being defined by George Kordis, who has studied and written a book on the important Byzantine churches and monuments in Mystras.   Several churches will be explored during the trip, with a return to Athens by around 7pm that evening.  Students will share an independent lunch together in Mystras or nearby Sparta.  The trip is optional but highly encouraged — spouses and others are welcome to join on the trip (additional bus fee is per person).

Please see more information here:

Mystras – last outpost of Byzantium – churches and frescoes


Wednesday, 1.15

09.00 Meet at Eikonourgia, studio time — PAINTING EXERCISES BEGIN

9.00 — 12.00 Lessons & Painting Demos

12.00 Lunch  (provided)

13.00–16.00 Studio work — painting 

16.00+ Free time

Early Group Dinner at Olympian Restaurant, Mets 


Thursday. 1.16

09.00 Meet at Eikonourgia, studio time — PAINTING 

09.00 — 12.30 Studio work — painting

12..00 Lunch 

13.00–16.00 Studio work — painting

16.00+ Free time

Independent Dinner (*small groups, optional)  


Friday. 1.17

09.00 Meet at Eikonourgia, studio time — PAINTING

12.00 Lunch  (provided)

13.00–16.00 Studio time  

16.00+ Free time

Independent Dinner (*small groups, optional) 


Saturday. 1.18

09.00 Meet at Eikonourgia, studio time — PAINTING

12.00 Lunch  

13.00–16.00 Studio time

16.00+ Free time

Independent Dinner (*small groups, optional) 


Sunday. 1.19

Free Morning

14.00 Meet at Eikonourgia, board preparation and gilding demonstrations (simple) 

16.00 — 18.00 open painting session (optional)

Independent Dinner (*small groups, optional) 


Monday. 1.20

09.00 Meet at Eikonourgia, studio time — FINAL PAINTING SESSION

12.00 Lunch  

13.00 — 15.00 Final session and pack up (end early)

15.00+  Free time

18.00 — Closing Night Dinner and discussion at Mets Art Center *

Tuesday. 1.21

Departures Home — Travel day



Please fill out the basic form (through the red registration button at the top of this page) and we will email you with the next steps.

All payments will be billed through PayPal by Cinnabar, a part of Iconography Today.  A non-refundable 400 Euros deposit will hold your spot.  The remaining fee of 1,100 Euros will then be requested on or around October 1st when the full remainder will be billed. 

If you have any questions, please contact Keri at info.writingthelight@gmail.com.



All lodging and food is paid for individually by each student.  Once registered, we will provide a suggestion list of places to stay close to Eikonourgia or the Mets Art Center — in the Mets, Plaka or Pangrati areas.



  • Beginning with all residencies from September 1st onwards, please know that we will no longer be able to handle credits or transfer any residency bookings.

  • If a Certificate student needs to cancel attendance to a residency, they can have a refund of their residency deposit (usually non-refundable) minus the equivalent of $100 as long as the cancellation is made within four weeks of the residency start date, otherwise the deposit is non-refundable.

  • For tuition already paid for a student-canceled residency, ALL students may have the paid tuition portion refunded (beyond the non-refundable deposit) with the equivalent of the total amount paid minus the PayPal fee at the original country fee rate (i.e. 4,5% EU, 5.5~6% USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA + 3% administrative fee).


We hope to have you join us for this rare opportunity to learn iconography from master George Kordis in the beautiful and inspiring setting of Athens, Greece.

NOTE: IF YOU REGISTER AND DO NOT RECEIVE AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LETTER WITHIN 24 HOURS, Please email Keri at info.writingthelight@gmail.com and/or check your spam folder as sometimes our letters and invoices go directly to spam.  

Thank you!



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