Drawing Foundations – with Maria Panou



Drawing Foundations with Maria Panou

At the beginning of the Spring semester, we offer this class as a special introduction to Drawing in the Byzantine system.  We have a handful of new independent students or incoming Fall 2025 Certificate students who may wish to get a headstart on building an understanding of the language of the Byzantine system in iconography and prefer not to wait until Fall.  This class is also good as a refresher course to simply reinforce the basics, and for those who are not ready to enter the mid-semester point of the Essential Drawing class with George Kordis.  

This foundational course will follow weekly lessons in a variety of practical lessons to include:

  1. Drawing Heads. ( a. Dynamic frontally, 3/4 heads). 
  2. Hands, Feet, 
  3. Garments, 
  4. The standing figure. 
  5. The seated figure, 
  6. Moving figures 
  7. Other 


Throughout the lessons, students will strengthen their overall drawing skills, learn familiarity with the Byzantine system, and gain their own readiness to begin to compose more complex subjects and small compositions, and work on practice.


Students will submit their drawings online through email, with corrections and critique individually via email with Maria Panou.  The LIVE Zoom is for the live lessons – students usually can watch and practice a first attempt at home during the class, or simply watch and practice their assignments separately.  

Incoming Certificate Students will receive an adapted version of this class in the Fall semester — continuing to learn and strengthen the skills.


Time: TUESDAYS, 7:30 to 8:30pm (Athens, Greece) time = 12:30 to 1:30pm Eastern Standard (EST) in the US & Canada, every other week – meets 2x per month.



FEBRUARY 11 & 25

MARCH 11 & 25

APRIL 8 & 22

MAY 13 & 27

Duration: 2 lessons per month (2 hours total) plus private online corrections via email

Semester Tuition Cost (4 months) = 220 Euros



Please contact us at info.writingthelight@gmail.com if there are any questions.

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