Writing the Light

NEW HAMPSHIRE | St. George Orthodox Church, Keene

SUMMER SCHOOL | Crete 2025

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Writing Icons in the Byzantine System with Dr. George Kordis and Maria Panou

November 9 – 14

NEW LEARNING OPPORTUNITY — Returning to the U.S. this Fall!

Join Master Iconographer Dr. George Kordis and Maria Panou for a 6-day immersive workshop to learn the skills of traditional iconographic painting using the principles and rhythm of the Byzantine system as a strong foundation for creating beautiful Christian icons.

Exploring the Byzantine System for Writing Icons – Drawing and Painting 


To Choose:

      A. Beginner Foundations with Mariaa special opportunity to learn and practice Byzantine icon drawing and painting.  Lessons and practice exercises will be specifically aimed at establishing a good foundation and practical understanding of the Byzantine system in both drawing as well as helping students gain confidence in working with egg tempera techniques.  Students will complete both various exercises as well as a smaller icon.  Students will have full access and participation to watch George Kordis working on two large church iconostasis icons of St. Nicholas and St. John the Baptist throughout the workshop as well as also receive his input and feedback in the afternoon sessions.


Note: the first two days of Saturday and Sunday are half days from 1 to 5pm.

8:30am to 12 noon ~ Students will follow special demonstrations with Maria and work on their own icon with ample time to observe Dr. Kordis’s painting process.

Lunch 12 noon – 1pm (plenty of nearby food options or students bring their own)

1 to 5pm ~ Both Maria and George will be available to students with ongoing demonstrations and discussion  – students will continue to work on their own icon during this period.


     B. Byzantine Icon Painting with George Intermediate and Advanced levels – Students in this group will have the opportunity to work on their own icon following the subject of either St. John the Baptist or St. Nicholas that Dr. Kordis will be painting on a large scale (student board size 12” x 16”). Drawing exercises in the Byzantine system will initiate the residency along with a focus on expanding students’ knowledge of painting skills and techniques in egg tempera. 


Note: the first two days of Saturday and Sunday are half days from 1 to 5pm.

8:30am to 12 noon ~ Students will both watch Dr. Kordis in technical demonstration on his large icon as well as work on their own icon.

Lunch 12 noon – 1pm (plenty of nearby food options or students bring their own)

1 to 5pm ~ Dr. Kordis and Maria will be available to students with active demonstrations and discussion – students will also continue to work on their own icon during this period.


All students – beginners and experienced alike — will benefit from the valuable techniques learned in this unique opportunity to study with George Kordis and Maria Panou.

All lodging and meals are handled independently by each student.  



The workshop will be held at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Keene, New Hampshire.

Church Workshop location: Hellenic Hall, 70 West Street, Keene, NH



Materials of icon board, paper and pigments are included in the cost. Students will need to bring their own brushes (suggestions to be shared after registration).



Either Residency A or B Tuition Cost: $800

Once registering, a non-refundable deposit of $300 will be asked.

+ + + 

To Register 

Please fill out the basic form (through the red registration button at the top of this page) and we will email you with the next steps.


Hotel and Lodging Information

There are several hotels within both walking distance or several miles by car of the St. George Orthodox Church location in Keene.  

Our main hotel recommendations are:

Courtyard Marriott
75 Railroad Street

(3 blocks from the church)

Fairfield Inn & Suites
30 Main Street

(2 blocks from the church)

The Burrell House Inn
112 Washington Street

(several blocks from the church)

Holiday Inn Express
175 Key Road

(5 minute drive)


We will have special discount rates available soon for students wishing to book their stay.

There are also Airbnb options within close proximity.


The easiest way to get to Keene is by car from other New England destinations.

Nearby Airport Information

Manchester Airport or Boston International Airport 

Getting from Manchester or Boston will require either renting a car or coordination with securing a group driver option — participating students will be put in touch with others who may wish to discuss ride shares.  Manchester is 1hr. 15 min. by car and Boston is 1hr. 50 min.


The Amtrack “Vermonter Train” from Penn Station, New York City stops in Brattleboro, Vermont — only a convenient 30 minutes from Keene.


Bus options can be explored.  There is a bus depot in Keene being serviced from different areas.  There is also a convenient bus leaving hourly from Boston International Airport to Concord, New Hampshire.  Concord is only one hour from Keene.


There are many good restaurants and cafes nearby within two blocks from the church.  Keene is home to Keene State College and being a college town, has many options for all budgets.



  • Beginning with all residencies from September 1st onwards, please know that we will no longer be able to handle credits or transfer any residency bookings.

  • If a Certificate student needs to cancel attendance to a residency, they can have a refund of their residency deposit (usually non-refundable) minus the equivalent of $100 as long as the cancellation is made within four weeks of the residency start date, otherwise the deposit is non-refundable.

  • For tuition already paid for a student-canceled residency, ALL students may have the paid tuition portion refunded (beyond the non-refundable deposit) with the equivalent of the total amount paid minus the PayPal fee at the original country fee rate (i.e. 4,5% EU, 5.5~6% USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA + 3% administrative fee).

We hope to have you join us for this Fall opportunity to study the Byzantine System for making icons with George Kordis and Maria Panou in New England!


NOTE: IF YOU REGISTER OR JOIN THE WAITLIST AND DO NOT RECEIVE AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LETTER WITHIN 24 HOURS, Please email Keri at info.writingthelight@gmail.com and/or check your spam folder as sometimes our letters and invoices go directly to spam.

Thank you!


Make Reservation

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